Chiropractic and Energetic bodywork sessions
Connecting to the medicine and wisdom of your body and energetic blueprint
Each session is designed to help clear any energetic blocks or resistance through Spinal bodywork and energetic alignment. This work is unique to Charlie’s gifts, deeply intuitive and channelled from source energy. Charlie has been a trained Chiropractor for 7 years and is a qualified and experienced breath worker and energy healer.
A session begins with a technique called body mapping, where the physical spine, energetic spine and breath pattern are checked and observed. You will then relax and breathe as Charlie gently moves through resistance or tension in your body and guides you into a space of receivership of what you require for the highest purpose of your health and soul.
Techniques include Chiropractic adjustment, reiki energy healing, soft tissue work and Spinal Energetics. Each session is deeply healing and allows you to rest and access higher levels of consciousness.
A session is 60 minutes and the investment is £100 or £350 for a 4 session program. This includes follow up materials and guided recordings to help support the work.
Sessions are available at her studio space on Mortimer Street. It is also possible at your space requiring that the location is in Central London.
Here’s what other client’s have said:
‘I felt incredibly held and allowed to go at my own pace and not be rushed. I felt like I went very deep and past a previous block. I felt a spacious and clear passage of energy from my womb up to my third eye. I also feel like I've let go of some habitual worry patterns since the session; it's been easier to consciously choose to not worry about certain things, and today I did not react how I normally would in a normally triggering situation. Your guidance felt extremely compassionate and intuitive. And your hands are magic! The phrase 'I am Magic' came into my mind before you said it (and that has been reiterated during the week with so many messages of magic). After this phrase came into my mind I saw an image of myself in a mirror, taking off the blinkers to see this aspect of myself. The feeling was of being in my potential and expansion.’
‘I can't recommend Charlie enough. I'm clearing out a lot of long held trauma from my body using bodywork and energetic healing. Some amazing (and crazy!) things have happened on this journey. Charlie has always been available to answer my questions via email. I love having access to recorded guidance I can work though at my own pace in private, and I especially love the powerful live sessions with her are and how each session is different and can take you to a different space. Thank you Charlie!’
If you have any questions, you can email me at, or book below
Expect Magic, because you are,
Love Charlie X